Grand Conjunction as the Sun enters Capricorn – the Winter Solstice
The winds picked up like mad this morning, adding to the excitement of the cosmic events happening in our neighborhood of the galaxy. I love the wind and feel it so deeply in every cell that change is in the air!
We are in the energy of the most anticipated GRAND CONJUNCTION between Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees Aquarius. The last time Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Aquarius was in the year 1405. And that’s not a typo.
Jupiter will move through Aquarius for a year. Saturn will transit Aquarius for a bit more than 2 years. Expect LOTS of change in 2021. Aquarius is ruled by the dynamic change-making energy of the planet Uranus. Always expect the unexpected when Aquarian energy is involved. Disruption, chaos, and paradigm-busting inventions leading to liberation, freedom, and global connectivity. There is emotional detachment in the sign of Aquarius which allows for the genius energy to come through without the drama of the emotional realm. Does this mean we will no longer be emotional? Ha! That is never going to happen in our lifetimes but there will be more growth and expansion in the scientific fields and breakthroughs that can liberate many who are tied to old, outmoded ways. Aquarian consciousness is global and intergalactic.
I have been watching the conjunction for the past several weeks. This evening it will be viewable right after sunset in the western sky as the Sun transits the very last degree of Sagittarius before moving into zero degrees Capricorn, the Winter Solstice occurring at 3:02am Mountain time tonight. The GRAND CONJUNCTION is right on the heels of the Sun so catch it right at sunset if the skies are clear. It will look like a super bright start but remember that stars sparkle but planets don’t. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will not sparkle but it will be epic. The true dawning of the Age of Aquarius! And, of course, even if you are unable to see it, the effects are still impacting you – all of us!. And there are always amazing night sky images viewable at EarthSkyNews.
The Winter Solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn heralds the return of longer days in the Northern hemisphere and longer nights for our friends in the Southern hemisphere.
So what does it all mean? Basically it comes down to this:
Jupiter is expansion. Saturn is contraction.
Jupiter is expansion. Saturn is contraction.
Jupiter will expand the genius, forward-thinking, innovative energy along with the signature unpredictability and chaos of Aquarius. Saturn will hold this energy into a form that can be used to uplift and revolutionize our way of living on the planet. Jupiter expands. Saturn gives form. Too much expansion and nothing ever gets done. Too much constriction and there is not room for growth. These energies combined in the exciting energy of Aquarius is going to make for a pretty unforgettable 2021 for bringing in the new. And there will be no turning back.
If you are wanting to return to normal, how things have been, that may be more difficult than you think. The more open you are to what is coming down the pike to uplift and expand your life experience the more you will enjoy the ride. Embracing the NEW with delight, releasing what no longer works, can be quite liberating but for many it can feel like quite a lot of work. Choose to have all transitions be easy by working on trusting the unfolding of your own life journey. Each story, each individual unique.
it’s going to become increasingly difficult to dance to anyone else’s drum but your own, Seek out the groups where you can really be yourself. Aquarius supports the unique expression of you as an individual within the context of the groups you feel are supportive family, which may or may not be your birth family.
Individual identity awareness within group consciousness is another theme of 2021. Doing your part your way will be the perfect contribution to the whole. Know who you are, what you enjoy doing, and how you enjoy giving, to step easefully into the magic potential of this powerful new energy!
And, as always in the skies, the GRAND CONJUNCTION isn’t the only thing happening! The other planets are still doing their thing and adding their influence to the mix of energies influencing us here on beautiful Earth.
Mercury just entered Capricorn, turning the conversation to a more sober and responsible feel. Working hard to achieve goals in a methodical, practical way is the Capricorn signature.
Venus is transiting Sagittarius, expanding your attraction principle to higher consciousness and a bigger picture/perspective. More on how to work with Venus in Sagittarius and increase your attraction potential at Feed Your Venus.
Mars is cruising through Aries, adding speed and action to the cosmic cocktail.
Uranus is at 7 degrees Taurus. Earth changes inevitable as the shake-it-up planet moves through the earthy sign of Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn will both triggering Uranus in January.
Neptune is moving forward at 18 degrees Pisces. Dreamtime is a powerful source of potential.
Pluto is moving slowly forward at 23 degrees Capricorn. As Jupiter and Saturn move away from conjoining Pluto, changes will feel less devastating and more liberating.
Is there a magic pill to make all this easier?
YES! It’s called adaptability.
The more adaptable you are to change, the less you resist the flow
and the more you rejoice in the new,
the easier and more fun this whole journey will be!