Notice from on high: cocooning still happening but movement is inevitable, all in right timing. Enjoy, relish this time of inward communing as you will emerge in the Spring, refreshed, renewed and ready for the new. Be with these moments of stillness, knowing that movement is LIFE and when the conditions are ripe you will emerge and be ready to test your flight with new wings. It can be challenging to be still but
With Mercury completing what has felt like a totally insane retrograde period, things will start moving somewhat more easily but with Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn still transiting Aquarius don’t be surprised that there is still quite a bit of disturbance in the cosmic field. That is your clue to spend more time doing things that calm and relax you. Bathing in epsom salts highly recommended. Walks in Nature. Connecting with people who love and support you. Limit your focus on the news, just enough to keep you in the loop but not too much to keep you in a heightened state of agitation. Focus on what you WANT!, even if the present reality looks quite different from that. Pisces times supports dreaming of the reality you wish to experience. Feel into the PEACE and JOY you wish to live in, every moment of every day, regardless of external circumstances. Such is your assignment these days. Reach out to help another being and feel your own being expand in LOVE.
It’s quite a roller coaster ride, this incarnation, is it not? At any time in your life you might be ascending the ride or your might be descending the ride or you might be sitting at the very tippety top with an epic view. You might thrill to the ascension and freak out on the descent or vice versa and any other combination of emotions. Feel them all. Life is thrilling, an adventure, and you get to be in it any way you choose. Knock on the door of your potential. Smell the flowers along the way and remember to enjoy yourself because this bodily incarnation your personal, unique ride.