The Moon turns FULL this Saturday in the peace-loving sign of Venus-ruled Libra opposing the Sun in Mars-ruled Aries. And once again many of us are confronted with an ongoing internal battle between choosing to hold a space of PEACE and wanting to act out our fears and rage and anger and hurt in acts of retaliatory aggression. Of course we know that violence begets violence, hate begets more hate and yet what to do with our outrage, our sadness, our broken hearts?
I am recalling what my mother told me years ago when I watched in horror as bombs and missiles were dropping on Israel during the Irag war in the early 90’s. She told me to carry on with my life, to live my life, to enjoy every moment otherwise those who destroy others out of their own pain will have won and we cannot ever let them win. We can never let fear stop us from living. That would be the ultimate act of betrayal to those who have gone and to ourselves who, too, will be gone some day. To be incarnated, to have a body and experience life is each of our own precious gifts and we are to treasure LIFE as we never know when it will be our turn to release from this experience.
Venus and Chiron are both exactly conjunct the Sun at 8 degrees Aries at this Full Moon. This feels very powerful to me. A heart healing time, an emotionally deep time to excavate the caves and crevices of your own feelings. rooting out what needs releasing, taking action on what needs taking action. Remember that the FULL MOON is a time of release so expect more crying. Welcome it. Let yourself birth yourself anew at this powerful FULL MOON in the Venus-ruled sign of Libra as the Sun is transiting the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. The Libra Moon wants justice and the Aries Sun wants to see swift action taken but with Neptune and Mercury conjunct in Pisces, justice is seen through a more compassionate, seeing-the-big-picture lens, opening the doorway to more loving actions for all in all matters. Soften your words. Let kindness prevail. Hold fast to your dreams for a softer, more loving world. No matter the present circumstances, never let go of your dream of a peaceful, safe world for all of us. Use the courage of the Aries Sun to laugh your fear away, to love your fear away.