New Moon Solar Eclipse 12.4.21
With some wistful adieus from yours truly November surrenders its last hold on Autumn and moves into the month of shortest days, the month of madness rife with expectations that birth inevitable disappointments as well as miraculous acts of love and compassion and as yet inconceivable surprises. December seems to be an intensely emotional month and this year with a New Moon solar eclipse beginning the month and two extremely significant astrological events, the third Saturn-Uranus square and Jupiter entering Pisces, closing out the month, even more so. No better time to call on all your metaphysical tools to keep you relaxed and enjoying this wild ride you chose when you incarnated into your present physical body, Wooohooo!

3rd Saturn-Uranus Square 12.24.21-12.29.21
Saturn at 11 degrees Aquarius and Uranus at 11 degrees Taurus will form the final 3 of 3 squares of 2021 December 24 through December 29. This energy will be unfolding as a dominant theme in 2022. The old order (Saturn) coming smack up against the new, liberating, future-oriented energy of Uranus. This is some serious boat-rocking energy. The more you are trying to hold on to what is passing the way more challenging your ride will be. Jupiter in Pisces will help so much with the surrender process, each of us wrestling to release the past in all the unique ways we each do. I am wrestling my demons into dissolving and you are wrestling yours. As the systems we thought would always be are dissolving and morphing into something entirely else than what we could have imagined, rejoice and revel in the amazing NEW that each of us is birthing. The path is temporarily unclear and confusing so tread with as much awareness as you can access and be open to all possibilities that change offers. Use intuition in all matters.

topsy-turvy times
In a topsy-turvy world in a topsy-turvy time…