This is a reminder to work with the energy of the momentous conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune April 8 – 13. Regardless of what you are hearing on the news, it is imperative that you do not focus on all the things you see happening that break your heart. Your true power lies in what you envision, what you hold as the only possible outcome to any and all circumstances, to dream as big as you possibly can, and then beyond that. You might even take a full respite from the news this weekend, if you have not already done so, holding true and fast to your vision for a world thriving in peace, harmony, and abundance for all, none excluded.
Where Jupiter and Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces fall in your chart, and if any planets or points are triggered, this is where you need to dream even bigger than before. Action will follow when Jupiter enters Aries May 8, for now…dream!
Where it has looked impossible your dreams and your commitment to your vision makes all things possible. Never doubt, even for a moment, your ability to create your reality.
You are a spark of the Divine.
Your intentions are supported by forces way beyond your awareness, forces that are stimulated and supported by this powerfully imaginative energy of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.
Dream BIG, vast and infused with the deepest love you have for LIFE!