I saw the almost full moon last evening on a walk and I was wowed by the everything of it. Tonight expect even more of a show as the June Full moon is also a supermoon, closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit, seeming close enough to touch with merely an outstretched hand. Colors seem more vibrant these days, senses heightened to Nature’s welcoming the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters zero degrees Cancer on June 21. All of life itself is bursting with energy to grow, to feel, to experience and we with it.
Every month we are given the opportunity of the Full Moon energy to release and let go, rather like a cleaning out each month to propel you along on your journey, your life path. The Sagittarius Full Moon could direct you to balance big picture perspective with Gemini Sun information gathering. Good energy to let go too much mental focus, surrendering more to what calls you on your direct line to Spirit. In other words, are you thinking too much when feeling into your own personal guidance would be a more helpful way to go?
Mars. planet of action, is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer at 15 degrees Aries. You might feel antsy and eager to move through old wounds and old stories of wounding to be free to move along. After a few weeks wrestling with some bronchial pneumonia (not COVID, but horrible nonetheless), days and nights of fever and generally feeling so vulnerable, I emerged from the ordeal with a huge release of many stories from the past. It was like a switch was flipped and I just let everything go. Immediately I felt a huge surge of power, like I had plugged myself in to some limitless source, no longer blocked by old hurts and disappointments – a profound power reclamation. In some deep and meaningful way I felt liberated from my own jail cell, the one I had created in my mind, the old familiar stories which no longer made any sense at all. This Full Moon could open that same release valve in you,. Invite it. Let it.
To be free is your birthright but you have to free yourself. No one can do it for you.
Support is available (Schedule your reading!) but the work is yours to do!
Mercury is finally moving direct but as things are in such a state of re-orienting and re-forming that it can feel like Mercury is endlessly retrograde. Slow down and take things at a pace that feels do-able for you.
Give yourself time to feel into the movement of your life. You are not the river. You are a leaf floating on the river. Go with the knowing of the river, the rhythm and flow of life ever unfolding.
Neptune makes a square to the Full Moon so confusion can be lit up and cleared by the light of the moon. Insist on clarity and bring the dreams and visions of Neptune in Pisces into something usable, something that makes sense for the next steps through the forest.
Are you listening to your guides, be they birds or flowers or friends or that deep, calm voice of peace that dwells in your innermost self? Tune in to your own truth and follow your personal guidance to clarity.