Between the eclipses: a magical doorway
Indeed a magical portal exists between these 2 autumnal eclipses. On October 25th the New Moon Solar eclipse heralded the Scorpio energy that is enveloping us now. The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on November 8th at 15 degrees Taurus hits at half-way through the Sun’s transit through Scorpio. We are diving deep and nothing like a deep dive to pull you into the magical mystery of your own psyche.
Take this deep and meaningful time to connect with your deepest part of your self, your own deepest mysteries, for in the depth of your own being lies the possibility for all things to manifest. What lurks there? Fear? Jealousies? Disappointments? Joy? Satisfaction? Gratitude? Probably all of these and so much more. Such is the complexity of being human..and the fascinating journey which is the wild ride of your life. Are you observing your journey? Are you wrestling with it? Let’s cess it out!