Full Moon at 16 degrees Gemini
9:07pm Mountain time
Mars conjoins the Full Moon
Mercury conjoins Venus
Jupiter conjoins Neptune
Uranus conjoins the North Node

Full Moon in Gemini 12.7.22
LOTS of conjoining
mmmmm…what does it all mean?
Lots of planetary conjoining at this Full Moon in Gemini. It’s an energetic pile-up of things to review as you consider what needs pruning from your life, what needs to be let go as you clear the way for a fresh start at the Winter Solstice, December 21 and the New Moon in Capricorn happening a few days later. Think of this time leading up to the Solstice as deep and thorough clearing out of whatever you don’t need, of whatever is not supporting you on the adventure of your life. Join me, healer John Wing Flower, and angel channel Lee Cook-Mitchell, for a wonderful evening – our WINTER SOLSTICE VIRTUAL LIVE ZOOM gathering.
Details and registration at SOLSTICE.
Details and registration at SOLSTICE.
Soul-searching required. What an opportunity to be free at last of thought forms and misconceptions around how you are choosing to live this precious incarnation which is entirely and completely YOURS!
Full Moons are times to release and with Mars exactly conjunct the Moon at 16 degrees Gemini you can be pretty well assured that this Full Moon will bring endless opportunities to talk about what feelings are being triggered and stimulated to be released. Mars is a super activator, and at this Full Moon, activating your emotional, receptive nature that your mind creates. It’s so important to remember that the mind has its own agenda that is influenced by all the things it has thought and processed over the many years of your life. Will you confront your own thought patterns and programming to free yourself of what may be holding you back from fully and completely opening your heart?
Venus at 27 degrees Sagittarius forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini.
When the LOVE planet hooks up with Mercury there will be much conversation of who and how you love.
And much conversation with those you love or want to love more or wish you didn’t love, A lot of interest in the LOVE area working its way through the filters of your mind.
With Uranus, planet of liberation through chaos, conjunct the North Node (our collective destiny) there is a very strong urge to be free, to be liberated and to re-align our core values with what creates freedom for us individually and for the collective. Are your actions aligned with your values?
Much to learn about yourself at this Full Moon. Embrace the opportunity to know yourself more. The
more you align with your core values the easier it will be to live true to yourself, all in all letting you sleep better. And who doesn’t love a great sleep?
Jupiter and Neptune are hanging pretty close in at 29 degrees and 22 degrees Pisces. Jupiter is moving DIRECT now and will re-enter Aries at the Winter Solstice. It is slowly pulling away from Neptune but at the Full Moon their energies are still influencing one another. Jupiter is expanding the Neptunian tendencies to dream and also to want to escape. You could still be feeling confused and unclear as to the next steps to take. If you are feeling hesitant to take action but feeling antsy like you should be taking action…you will feel clearer and more able to move forward after Jupiter enters Aries on the 21st. Then things might be moving faster than you had thought they would.
Neptune is creating a square to the Full Moon adding to confusion and lack of clarity as to what needs your attention. Slow down. Take some really deep breaths. Allow your Higher Guidance, your intuitive knowingness, to soothe you as you navigate these tumultuous waters. You will land exactly where you feel you will. Tune in to your feelings, uplifting them with positive, joy-enhancing thoughts.