Mercury and Uranus poised to move DIRECT, Mars already moving forward.
All beg the question,
Are you asking the RIGHT QUESTION?
This week I found myself circling a familiar drain of low vibration thoughts, triggered by a series of losses in my little community, triggering my own personal losses. I don’t like to dwell for too long in this part of the vibrational spectrum of feelings, fed by lower vibration thoughts, but I am known to dive quite deeply into the abyss, probably so I can tell you how I got out, because we need to tell each other how to navigate these times!
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, in no uncertain terms, has got me thinking about my thinking. And with Mars finally moving direct, but still in the chattering mind sign Gemini until March 25 (am I counting the days?), I don’t know what’s going on in
your mind, but in my mind, there have been some surprising poop shows and….don’t I know better? Ha! Of course,I know better than to stick my toe in those muddy waters, yet I still am seduced by feeling other people’s pain and then directing that energy my way. Bad habit, I know, and yet so comfy and familiar. Empathy is important, but not if it drags you into an existential pit of despair.
So, I started thinking about the Law of Attraction, which I think about often, and I see where I get stuck is when I try to figure out WHY something is happening (which has a variety of answers, none of which may actually be true) when the CORRECT QUESTION is: HOW do I work effectively with the Law of Attraction?
This got me thinking about airplane travel and about how long people yearned to fly (who doesn’t admire and sometimes feel envy for birds?) and what had to happen in order for us humans to get airborne. The WHY we aren’t able to fly is obvious (now in our accepted knowledge base): GRAVITY. It’ s a LAW of this universe. So, when humans stopped focusing on WHY gravity exists to HOW CAN WE WORK WITH the Law of Gravity that we became airborne.
This leads me to the obvious conclusion: If a LAW of the universe exists, in this case the Law of Attraction, then my work is to learn HOW to work with the Law of Attraction, like for 100% real in this present reality and incarnation. And if, as I can attest with my own many years of experimentation, I can attract any and all experiences according to my vibration, then how much more serious (Capricorn) do I need to get to manifest my next goodie bag of desires and to participate in bringing to fruition a peace-filled, abundant life for all, none excluded.
Pretty damn serious, if you ask me.
As a healer and spiritual seeker and ascending being on this planet at this time, I ask you: Are you willing to learn to work the Law of Attraction to birth our vision for a loving, abundant Earth for all, none excluded? Are you willing to consciously work with this Law to create what you wish to experience in this reality? We already know you can manifest the perfect parking space. What would it take to expand that energy into more conscious creating in every moment?
Mars moving DIRECT in Gemini is activating your mind to engage with the deep learning you are receiving as
Mercury has retrograded through Capricorn, poised to move DIRECT at 8 degrees Capricorn on January 18.
Uranus will be stationing DIRECT on January 22 after many months of retrograde motion. As Uranus starts to move forward again breakthroughs and innovations in our relationship to the Earth, to what we own, to what we desire – your core values, will become more available. Be OPEN to the NEW coming in.
Notice what you resist in your learning and what you embrace.
Move forward in your mastery.
You are needed in your personal wisdom.
You are needed right here and right now.
Vibration-raising practice is a MUST. I look for things that delight and charm me and that helps. This cool snowman caught my attention – look closely to see his cute stick arms! Classical music helps A LOT. I find puttering around the house very relaxing but that’s certainly not for everyone! Whatever it is that soothes, relaxes, and buoys your spirits – do that! Maybe you’re flower-obsessed, as I am. Arranging a bunch of flowers in a favorite jar or pitcher does it for me every time. Join me on the FLOWER CHANNEL if you are, or want to be, flower-obsessed too!
Jupiter in Aries is picking up speed. Things are going to get going at an advanced rate in just a moment but that moment can feel like forever away. Jupiter in Aries heightens impatience and, guess what? Patience is required. While you’re waiting, keep vibrating to the desired outcome. Nit just think the outcome, FEEL IT.
What have you got to lose? Worry? Anxiety? Fear? Doubt?
In the meantime…
Stay tuned for the launch of 1111mercantile, an online community and marketplace for the evolving soul (yes! that’s you!).
Our next VIRTUAL LIVE ZOOM GATHERING happening on the Spring Equinox, Monday, March 21 – save the date!
And, to keep you completely aligned and aware of what’s going on in the cosmos and how that all affects YOU…delve into
Let’s connect sooner rather than later, in between naps.