NEW MOON at 26 degrees Gemini
17 June 2023
10:36pm mountain time
Are you revved and ready to get mental?
The New Moon in Gemini is joined by the ruler of the mutable Air sign Gemini, none other than the mischievous, busy doing all kinds of mental gymnastics, Mercury. Considering that planets transiting the sign they rule fully express their nature and that planets conjoining a New or Full Moon are highly activated, we can expect to be flying through some highly activated thought forms at this New Moon. Busy, busy mind. Busy chatter.
Which is all to say, your mind will probably be overworking with the incessant chatter it likes to keep up, holding you hostage in a habitually familiar state of being, thoughts racing through your mind at any particular time. That’s why meditation is such a powerful tool to help you navigate this rugged terrain of consciousness expansion we are experiencing, each in our own way, You, in your own way. The more you can calm your mind down, releasing the endless chatter, the easier it is to move gracefully through your life and all that you choose to experience.
I say a hearty GOOD LUCK! with that task – identifying, noticing, and releasing mental chatter can be vigilant work, but SOOO worth the effort. Saturn moving through Pisces these days encourages discipline in a spiritual practice that allows you to release the tight grip you have in thinking you can control everything around you to allowing the natural flow of your personal (and our collective) evolution to occur. Let the flow flow!
Is chatter inherently bad?
It is if the chatter is focused on worries, concerns, projections of outcomes you don’t desire, and dwelling on things that have already happened. When you minimize the chatter you allow yourself to be more fully in the present moment. When fully and completely aware in the present moment of NOW you are able to create with clear focus and attention what you wish to experience. EXACTLY New Moon energy – focusing your intention on what you consciously wish to create next in your reality, the next experiences you wish to have.
A Gemini NEW MOON is RIPE to receive new thoughts and new ways to use the mind. You get to choose, moment by moment, what you wish to experience and then watch how what you put your most emotionally charged energy thoughts towards actually come into focus and are actively manifesting.
Just like when the desire to fly became so intensified, humans figured out how to fly. Not to defy the Law of Gravity, but to work WITH it. As you practice manifestation with more focused awareness you will be working WITH the Law of Attraction, which is working all the time anyway. Work WITH the Law of Attraction. I find it to be an endlessly fun and exciting practice. You do it every day! You are working the Law of Attraction every day, whether you are aware of it or not.
Now notice that you are actually working the Law of Attraction every day, all the time. What?!
YES! Awareness brings liberation from the endless chatter. Use this New Moon in Gemini to re-direct your thoughts, re-program your mind to be chattering at you the state of consciousness you would like to experience and watch what happens. Report back! Working with the mind is truly the final frontier. Getting to the South Pole was nothing compared to the vast, uncharted terrain of your own mind!
Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces squares the New Moon so all kings of confusing magic can add to some mental disorientation. You might feel disorganized, that things are going their natural course to entropy and that’s freaking you out. Go outside and look for bunnies and flowers and birds. Connect with nature, ground into the Earth. Neptune can come in as a fog blocking your passage or as a doorway into the vortex of your vast imagination, Door #2 please. Ground yourself and then let yourself dream into your next manifestation!