Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
5 degrees Taurus
28 October 2023
2:23pm Mountain time

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – 10.28.23
Dramatic times on the planet these days, the effects of which can blow your circuits- if you let them. I have been keeping my eyes and ears out of the newsfeeds as I find that when some horror slips into my awareness I feel like I have been hit by a truck going full speed right at me, triggering PTSD from my childhood experiences and past life recall and I am shattered. Nervous system on hyper alert and either I am obsessively trying to rearrange the furniture on the Titanic or am just flat out on the couch trying to abate the panic and dread that rises in me. This week I received a healing session from John Wing Flower (on the phone) during a nervous system
crisis I was having and within a short period of time I was able to calm myself out of hysteria into functionality, though I still had to lie down all day recuperating from a nervous system blow-out.
I am an empath and I am hugely affected by the energies coming into my field of consciousness. Now, more than ever, with my sensitivities only increasing, it is up to me to manage input as best as I can, to be present in my reality and not someone else’s and certainly not in the reality of places far away in circumstances that terrify all of us. If this is you, if you are also hyper impacted by events occurring around you that you have no way of controlling, the only thing you can control is yourself. And there are tools to do this. I am still learning (of course) and I am getting better at keeping my boundaries very clear for maintaining my mental health as best I can. Even with all the years of practice I have had I am still working on mastering these tools. A
And, as such, I will be participating in John’s TOOLS for EMPATHS evening class on November 2 (just $39!) and joining in his grounding and healing Virtual LIVE FULL MOON meditation this Saturday morning. Just like firefighters or any other front-line helpers, as an empath, you need to continue to educate yourself and keep working on your tools to manage what can feel like an unmanageable emotional onslaught these days. As the Full Moon approaches, especially an eclipse, energies are only intensifying, Grounding and aligning all your internal energies to maintain calm and peace inside is the single MOST important thing you can do to support yourself in these epic times of transition into which we each have chosen to incarnate.
Contact John at [email protected] to register for the Full Moon meditation
and for info on the Tools for Empaths class coming up on Thursday evening, November 2.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – 10.28.23
The partial Lunar eclipse on October 28, even though not visible to all of us depending on where you are hanging out on the planet these days, will still impact each and every one of us. Where the Lunar eclipse fall in your birth chart will show you where you are having an emotional re-set. If any planets or points are specifically hit, you will be feeling those energies specifically triggered for growth and change into 2024. Being in the KNOW is a great help to being in the NOW! Issues of material safety and security and what we need to live are front and center.
With Mars, Mercury and the Sun conjoined in Scorpio, opposing the Full Moon, threats can seem quite real and you will need access what is the best stance for you to take to keep your balance. Working on your internal state of calm and balance, keeping your vibration as high as possible, is so important these days. Reach out for support if you feel overwhelmed and give yourself downtime to re-set and find JOY where you can. Jupiter in Taurus conjoining the Moon can make what you’re feeling even more intense AND Jupiter can bring many blessings from what feels difficult to emotionally digest. Being outside in Nature and communing with the Earth (Taurus) will help keep you grounded in your body and out of any trauma you’re experiencing in your mind.
Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus is out of orb to conjoin the lunar eclipse but it is bringing some dramatic changes to what we think we can depend on, what resources we have access to, and what is really real for you.
Pluto has turned direct at 27 degrees Capricorn and is making its way to completing its tour through the cardinal Earth sign ruling systems and who controls them. Pluto enters Aquarius on January 22, 2024 and will retrograde back to 29 degrees Capricorn September 2, 2024 through November 19, 2024. Then Pluto will re-enter Aquarius where it will bring in all kinds of new, as yet unthought of things for the next 20 years. What a wild ride this truly is.
Saturn in Pisces reminds us to find strength in connecting directly to Source energy. For me that is cooking, baking, gardening and doing at home creative projects with plant and flowers (Venus in Cancer). What grounds and supports you? Do that. Where Venus falls in your birth chart will help you to identify what brings you closest to LOVE energy. Right now Venus is at 18 degrees Virgo, just past the mid-point of this mutable Earth sign. Tending to your Priestess energy, where you can best be of service to yourself and others, will help bring you into calm and balance. Restful, re-charge moments by running water and trees will be of much support. Virgo remedies for soothing fractures in the emotional field.
Neptune is at 25 degrees Pisces, adding to confusion and lack of clarity. The past two mornings the fog was so thick in my neighborhood I could barely see the house across the street. Neptune in Pisces – slow down, go within to connect with Source energy and develop your intuition for best guidance through confusing times. Perfect time to join in John’s