Full Moon at 4 degrees Cancer
5:33pm Mountain time

Full Moon in Cancer – 12.26.23
The Full Moon in Cancer closes out 2023 and no better time to clear out and let go of anything and everything that you do not wish to bring with you into the new year – the cosmos invites you to a full-on purge! Maybe it’s clothes that are ready to be donated or broken items that never got fixed and are begging to be tossed out once and for all, thought forms that are so last year, ideas you thought could work but realize they aren’t really a fit for you, and even time to review relationships that need an upgrade or a total letting go. I know! It’s a lot to think about at every Full Moon, a time to release each month, and especially so at the Full Cancer Moon that closes out one year -shedding light, the light of your intuition- onto your path opening up in 2024.
The cardinal Water sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon. So content is the Moon in her home sign that you can tap into the nurturing energy of her comfort to do your letting go as the Sun in Capricorn helps you stay grounded and practical, feet firmly on terra firma in classic mountain goat form! Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, at 2 degrees Pisces forms a supportive aspect to the Moon – more evidence of the grounding energy of Capricorn working sea-goat magic in the compassionate, surrender, spiritually elevated energy of Pisces.
Pluto is coming down the finish line of its time through Capricorn, poised to move into Aquarius on January 22 as the Sun moves into Aquarius. Yes! A Sun-Pluto conjunction in the Uranus-ruled sign of Aquarius begins the new year and that is a sure sign of change that liberates, that brings in the NEW, much of which is yet to be revealed, yet to unfold. Aquarius, and the planet that rules it – Uranus – is the innovator, inventor, liberator, and visionary for egalitarian all-inclusiveness. If you have planets or points at zero to 2 degrees Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio you will be most impacted by this new energy – a new YOU in the area of the chart where those planets lie. Pluto is now at 29 degrees Capricorn and will re-visit (by retrograde motion) 29 degrees Capricorn September 2 – November 21, 2024. After that – it’s full on Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years.
Mercury is running retrograde in Sagittarius havoc until January 2. Keep your sense of humor close by! It’s rather an exhausting emotional time on the planet what with all kinds of expressions of what change feels like so tap into Mercury’s big picture wisdom when you feel overwhelmed by details and things you cannot control. Remember that the only thing you really can control is…yourself! That’s some good empowerment right there! Stay with it!

Mercury retrograde hits again!