New Moon at 20 degrees Pisces
10 March 2024
2:00 AM mountain time
Saturn and Neptune conjoin this New Moon
This morning I spied some daffodil foliage busting through the debris of 2023 outside my front door. Every year the heroic effort of bulbs to break through dense layers of soil, reaching for the light, signaled by the rising temperatures and the lengthening of the days, never ceases to thrill me. I feel that same movement of energy starting to kick in after what has felt like an exceedingly long (almost 3 years) cocoon phase. At least that’s what it feels like to me. I feel like I am still somewhat lingering in dreamland. The softness of my own engagement with my deepest self, my deep inner work, is still calling to me. But that is to change, as all things do, in the cycles and rhythms of the cosmos and in us as well.
No surprise as the Piscean energy is thick as dense morning fog lying low over the plains. And there is nothing better to do with Piscean energy than surrender to it. The Sun and Moon at 20 degrees Pisces this New Moon is sandwiched by Saturn on one side at 11 degrees Pisces and by Neptune on the other side at 27 degrees Pisces. Saturn and Neptune could not be any more different from one another. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is endlessly comfortable in this etheric, dreamy sign while Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and traditional ruler of Aquarius, can get pretty frustrated that nothing of a seemingly serious nature is being dealt with or addressed. Actually MUCH is being addressed in the Piscean zone but it is hard for Saturn to see what magic is brewing because the results can be nebulous and hard to pinpoint. Endless patience and perseverance is required. For now.
Venus is at 28 degrees Aquarius, poised to move into Pisces on March 12.
Mercury enters Aries on the day of the New Moon, just finishing up a Pisces tour that began on February 24. SO MUCH PISCEAN energy! Watch as the month progresses how Mercury is activated in Aries. Mercury will turn retrograde at 27 degrees Aries on April 2, moving back to 15 degrees Aries on April 25, moving into Taurus on May 15th. That’s an extra long time for the mischievous planet to be transiting Aries You might find yourself speaking out more. Watch for aggression. Mercury in Aries can stir the pot in ways that create more movement but also more intensity. Divert anger into positive action for best results all around. You’ll get plenty of practice, I’m sure!
So for now, give yourself as much downtime as you need and as much as you can get. That could mean more sleep, more daydreaming, more music, more of anything and everything that takes you out of the worry and concerns of the day.
Keep dreaming up the possibilities from what may seem impossible situations. You never know what guidance you could receive that would change everything for the better!