Full Moon at 2 degrees Sagittarius
23 May 2024
7:53am Mountain time
(so the moon will look FULL the night of the 22nd!)
Venus and Jupiter conjunct at 29 degrees Taurus
Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces
29 degrees is called the anaretic degree of a sign…read on!

Complex Full Moon in Sagittarius – 5.23.24
A complicated FULL Moon coming up considering Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are all lined up in Taurus, the sign before the Sun’s entrance into Gemini where it opposes the Moon in Sagittarius on May 23. You would expect the Mercury-ruled Gemini SUN opposing the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius dynamic of the Full Moon to be about information-gathering and all the communication involved with that balancing with big picture, expanded awareness of the higher mind. Exaggeration of and truth-seeking is to be expected. which is all to say, keep your own counsel and those whom you trust. Pundits and opinion-givers are just that. Seek out facts as best you can but know that all information comes through a filter. What is your filter?
There is all that Full Moon energy as the planets preceding in the late degrees of Taurus somehow holds us back into Taurus energy. Jupiter and Venus conjoin at 29 degrees Taurus, the anaretic degree of a sign before their ingress into the following sign, Gemini. The word anaretic comes from the Greek word ‘anareta’ which means destroyer. A planet falling at the anaretic 29th degree of a sign is completing the transit through that sign and all that it has experienced and effected during that transit. The completion is a profound point in the movement of that planet and, in a sense, calls more energy towards it than the lunation itself.
The Jupiter-Venus conjunction at 29 degrees Taurus is an imperative to inhabit your body, to feel your connection to the Earth before you head into the head bubble of Gemini. Grounding needs to be the order of the day, however you choose to do that – walking barefoot on the Earth, meditating with grounding crystals like black tourmaline or hematite, dancing, eating Springtime foods from the Earth, visualizing light roots connecting you with Earth core energy. I highly recommend John’s Grounding and Healing meditation. That would do the trick!
Neptune is also at an anaretic degrees, transiting 29 degrees Pisces, getting ready to enter Aries at the end of March, 2025. Neptune is a very slow mover. Neptune entered Pisces in February 2012, ushering in an era of confusion, false truths, fantasy, and, of course, the pandemic as well as an invitation to go within, to connect with your own guidance and to see the Oneness of all life. This particular transit through Pisces, the sign Neptune rules, is coming to a close but not before the story of this Neptune transit comes to full fruition.

Grounding yourself – it’s a must!
Mars, Chiron, and astoroid Eris (the disruptor) are conjunct in Aries so probably more saber-rattling and how endlessly tedious, not to mention, terrifying is that? More than ever it is important to stay grounded and choose LOVE moment by moment.
These are volatile times, for sure. You incarnated to be on the ride at this time and to participate in the changes we are all bringing about. I am remembering a channel I used to work with back in the early 90’s. She channeled the Ascended Masters and I remember one thing she said that has stuck with me all the years, something I did not understand when she said it, but is finally making sense. She predicted a time when there would be two Earths. That some would be in the old way of how it has always been on Earth – Mars-like – where greed, struggles for power, and disrespect for LIFE itself would prevail. The other Earth would be Venusian – where LOVE and Light rule. And we each get to choose which Earth we live in. That seems so clear now. Each moment we have the choice to live in darkness or live in light. This has never been more evident than right now. Choice is the privilege you have when you release old programming and live what you know to be the truth of Life – that, as Martin Luther King said: “Life is the school; LOVE is the lesson.” How is the school of LIFE going for you?