Jupiter in Gemini
26 May 2024 – 9 June 2025
a year of expanding head bubbles
Venus in Gemini
24 May – 17 June
As Jupiter has moved from the fixed Earth sign Taurus into the mutable Air sign Gemini you can expect lots more talking, conversation, fact-collecting, information-gathering, and movement in general, particularly in the area of your chart where Gemini sits. I always envision Gemini energy as a butterfly in the garden, flitting from one interesting and exciting experience to another. Gemini energy is lit up and energized so the need for grounding is even more important. Your head bubble will be highly activated so staying in your body and grounding into the Earth energy will help you to stay focused. Staying focused is not a Gemini trait. I mean really, so many cool things to entertain and engage your mind! Staying focused is important these days so you do not get distracted from your work.
High Priestess work these days is about holding the vessel for change, to allow for the NEW to come in as the OLD falls away. This is the FOCUS for the change-bringers. No doubt you are a change-bringer if you are tuned in to my work.
Venus is also transiting Gemini now until June 17th. Gather your information as it will be coming to you lots these days but do not get attached to anything that does not resonate with your heart. Heart! Heart! Heart! Does it FEEL correct? If not, let it pass you by.
As Pluto is now in retrograde motion (Pluto stationed retrograde on May 2) it will move back into Capricorn from September 2 – November 19. The old system will be blasted once again with Plutonian roto-rooter energy. After mid-November Pluto moves through the Uranus-ruled sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years. Buckle up! Change is a’coming. BE the bringer of change you wish to see. The fence between what was and what is becoming is not a fence you will be able to straddle for very long.
If you are finding these times particularly chaotic and challenging and your emotional body is overwhelmed, keep tuned for the new work John Wing Flower and I are bringing forth, a course called HEART VOICE – Living your Life as an Empath. We have compiled tools and techniques for navigating these times with ease and grace and lots of support for one another! KEEP TUNED!
You are needed in your full capacity as empath, as lover of the Earth and all her beings.