I don’t know how you’re faring in your neck of the woods, but the temps and tempers are rising like mad over here. I got completely triggered by a person who has pushed my buttons for years and whose words and antics I thought I had neutralized. Clearly I had not. Worked myself into a little anger fit, which I processed with some loving friends and, after a shorter time than it usually takes me to calm down, I did. It’s not that people, things, and circumstances that have annoyed and infuriated you will not continue to do so, they might, but it is how quickly you can return to calm that is the good and important work. My personal goal is to not to be triggered at all, but until I get there (if ever), I want to be able to return to equanimity in a moment, a flash, a breath. I probably will have lots of practice as this is a person who I consider to be a great spiritual teacher to me, for if I can achieve my goal (my Capricorn energy sooo wants to achieve a challenging goal!) I am expanding my consciousness into radical acceptance and love, freeing myself from the tyranny of my ego, and this person is the PERFECT person to push me there.
You might have someone, or someones, in your life who push you along on your spiritual path. I love that story of the Dalai Lama and his tea server, which I am completely paraphrasing (apologies) but you’ll get the point. The tea server was clumsy, coming off as disrespectful. When asked why he keeps that person as his tea server the master responded something like: He is my greatest spiritual teacher in my learning to accept all things. Interesting. Challenging. Provocative.
I have had my share of provocateurs in my life, pushing me to grow. As probably have you! With Mercury and Venus transiting the Fixed Fire sign of LEO, you can be pretty sure that dramatic words and gestures are to be expected, provocateurs to your equanimity. The question is: will you be in the LOVE zone, accepting all experiences as opportunities to soften your heart, listen to your heart, strengthen your heart with LOVE and radical acceptance or will you work out the energy with song and dance and laugher and creative expressions of LOVE (the giant LEO heart!) that surprise even you? The ball is ALWAYS in your court. Some tips on working with Venus transiting Leo, or if you were born with Venus in Leo, at FEED YOUR VENUS.
We are all traversing such interesting terrain these days as the very Earth beneath our feet and the air that holds us is shifting and changing. You are all morphing into constantly new iterations of yourself. Humans always been evolving but these days we are AWARE that this is happening, and we are much talking about it. YAY!
Personally I feel very connected to what’s happening in our solar system, our cosmic family, which you probably do as well. As I navigate these curious times, I find that the more I follow the celestial movements the more connected I feel to the whole unfolding process, the more I understand my role in this whole she-bangie bang, and that makes the ride better in all ways.

Celestial Gossip in our cosmos
Let’s see where the rest of our solar family is cruising these days:
Pluto is moving retrograde at 1 degree Aquarius. Venus is squaring Pluto so don’t be surprised if patterns of giving and receiving LOVE challenges you this week. AH!…the challenges! The opportunities! Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from September 2 through November 20. After that Pluto will fully enter rebel Aquarius for the next 20 years. For sure, a wild ride that has just begun. Radical innovations and global interconnectedness awareness.
Neptune is moving retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces, the last degree of its transit through the sign Neptune rules. Still a lot of delusion and dream-states to navigate. Stay grounded.
Uranus is at 26 degrees Taurus, creating all kinds of liberating havoc in your relationships to what you truly value.
Saturn is moving retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces. Revisiting structures to support your dreams. Form for your visions of what you wish create and see in your world, in your life experience.
Jupiter is flying through busy bee Gemini at 10 degrees. Your mind is running on overtime. Jot ideas down but don’t try to get anything done right this very moment, unless you have the focus to do so, Jupiter in Gemini can scatter your interests so you can collect info. But action is only right if it totally feels right.
Mars is finishing his time in Taurus as the fiery Aries-ruled planet makes a hot conjunction to Uranus. This is a potentially explosive energy so keep yourself cooled down in all situations. Mars will enter Gemini on July 21. This will move aggression from the physical into more conversation.
And that will be waaay mo’ betta.