Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn
21 July 2024
4:17pm mountain time
(best time to moon-view is the night of the 20th!)
Moon conjunct Pluto
Moon square Chiron-Eris conjunction
Mars conjunct Uranus as Mars enters Gemini

Full Moon in Capricorn – 7.21.24
A volatile, explosive week, to say the least. How did you do with all that? I used the drama to investigate in myself where I hold violence, hatred, judgment and intolerance. I decided the best thing I could do would be to become more aware of these tendencies in myself and work to let go of them. If we’re going to shift the poles on polarity to neutral, to cultivate peacefulness inside our own skins, it has to begin with each of us. For me it begins with me. No surprise that I have been dealing with a recurring eye infection that the eye doctors (2 of them) agreed is a virus. According to Louise Hay in her You Can Heal Your Life bible, eye problems are about not liking what I see in my life. Her suggested affirmation for this manifestation of discomfort is: “I create a life that I love to see.” Interesting. Provocative. Surprising. Working the magic of shifting my mind to what I want without focusing on all the things I dislike and don’t want – like violence. hatred, judgment, and intolerance. Radical acceptance of my own crap with the added bonus of then being able to go deeper in my own healing. Each of us a helper in creating the NEW, loved-based world. It’s pretty vigilant work requiring overtime attention but worth it to birth the NEW!
There are 2 full moons in Capricorn this summer – the first was on June 21 at 1degree Capricorn, the second on July 21 at 29 degrees Capricorn. A distinctly Saturnian message as Saturn is the planetary ruler of the cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. A Capricorn moon can feel cold and dry, serious and yet, in its highest manifestation – the perfection of the Divine Masculine – taking care of what needs taken care of, mastery of the areas where Capricorn influences your chart. The totem/glyph for Capricorn is the mythical Sea Goat. With Saturn moving through the dreamy sign Pisces these days the magic of the Sea Goat is amplified.
The Full Moon on July 21 at 29 degrees Capricorn, 29 being the critical last degree of a sign, can show you the mastery of all you have learned in this moon cycle. Honing any navigational tools will help you in anything you desire to experience. What are you dreaming into form? Watch for censoring or limiting your dreams. Be open to the magic of vibrational alignment. The Law of Attraction is just that. A Law of the Universe. God knows I’ve tried to argue with it but that Law wins every time.
Emotions can be running extremely high with the Moon conjunct Pluto, one degree of separation. The Moon and Pluto form an-out-of-sign conjunction. They each bring the energy of the sign they are transiting. The Moon in Capricorn is sentimental for the old ways, the traditions; Pluto in Aquarius sees only moving forward, a rebellious force for innovation. Clearly some tension there.
The Full Moon makes a square to the Eris-Chiron conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries and Mars still conjoins Uranus, though that is also an out-of-sign conjunction. Mars enters Gemini on the 21st as the moon turns Full. Mars flew past Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus. This is hopeful for dialog and conversation as opposed to wanting to blow everything up. Let’s hold that thought.
Venus conjoins asteroid Vesta in Leo. Vesta is the keeper of the sacred flame. Pump up the volume on your Leo-pampering. Love on others extravagantly and love on yourself even more.
Mercury enters Virgo on July 26 and begins a 3-week retrograde period on August 5. More on that coming up. Mercury rules Virgo and is super happy there – busy, busy, busy, organizing and itemizing, figuring out what to do with everything your mind has been up to. Excellent at throwing out the unnecessaries to make room for the must-haves. All around tidy-upper where tidying is required. I’m already into this – I bought all new velvety-felty hangers for my closet – a thrill for this Mercury-Jupiter in Virgo person!
This morning, I had a deep understanding of shame as a tool of oppression for our tender souls. I reflected on how shamed I have been for being intuitive, feeling-based, and empathic. In my growing-up family those qualities were ignored when they weren’t being actively maligned. I learned to not share what I knew and then I even kept that knowing from myself. Reclaiming these qualities as my own True North, my personal navigation system for moving through the world, has given me myself back to me.
Join me and John in our 3-part course Heart Voice-Empowered Empath – we’ll teach you everything we know about how to maximize your empathic gifts. You deserve to be fully who you are and you are needed now in your full selfness.
Register now for the we-appreciate-you price of $49.
Get yourself going on a great howl at this July Full Moon, the Buck Moon. Delight and revel in the magical realm of all things possible in all wondrous ways.

Heart Voice – Empowered Empath