There’s so much happening in the cosmos this March, it all positively has my head spinning!Being in the KNOW helps me be waaay better in the NOW!That may also be true for you as well.Let’s take a look!
Venus retrograde
March 1 – April 12
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
March 14
Mercury retrograde
March 15 – April 7
Spring Equinox
March 20
New Moon Solar Eclipse
March 29
Neptune enters Aries
March 30
Get my drift?! Use these energies to enhance and uplift your incarnational ride, as you engage your personal power with heightened self-awareness!

March Magic 2025 – resurrection ferns
These ferns are called Resurrection ferns and are found growing on the limbs of the great Southern oaks I got to visit when I was at John’s Nandi South retreat last month in Mobile, Alabama. I thought them to be the perfect representation of the energies of March 2025. These ferns curl up, appearing to be dead, when they are low in moisture and flush out thick and green when it rains, which is often along the Gulf. With the energies intensifying in focus this month you might find days of necessary retreat and other days when you can be totally out there, ready to engage with the world. Some of this month’s energies will have you flat out, with napping not an option but a must. Other days you’ll be antsy to get going on some new idea or project, one that you might be picking up again after letting it lay quiet for who knows how long.
The more you are able to tune in to the specific need of the day, specific to you and to the dominant energy of the day, the easier you will find these times to be. Fighting the current will be completely useless. Be with what is and take action as needed from there.
Sounds pretty easy but, I kid you not, it’s not always so easy, for all the reasons we give our power away to other people and situations. Monitor your own needs. Fill your own tank with good juju. Sleep if you’re tired, and who isn’t these days? Springtime energy is amping up – you will blossom at your appropriate time, unique soul that you are.

Venus retrograde – March 2025
Venus retrograde from 10 degrees Aries on March 1 back to 24 degrees Pisces on April 12 invites you to re-visit loves you’ve always had, things you’ve always loved to do, filling your time as much as possible with things that delight you and bring you joy. I am re-upping my Flower Channel on youtube as flowers are my first great and consistent passion. You can always find me there sharing my love for Flora. What’s your passion? Your jam?
Eclipses are trigger points for change, signaling the germination of something new in your life. There are 2 eclipses this month – The Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo
on March 14 and the New Moon Solar eclipse at 9 degrees Aries on March 29. If an eclipse falls within 3 degrees of a planet or point in your chart you will be moving lots of energy in those areas within 3 to 6 months.
Mercury stations retrograde on March 15 at 9 degrees Aries, moving back to 26 degrees Pisces on April 7. Mercury retrograde periods are a time to re-visit and re-evaluate the areas of your chart that Mercury is moving through. You’ll be feeling the Aries energy to move forward and then you will retrace your steps to re-evaluate what is best aligned with you at this time. What used to work may not anymore or may work with some adjustments. Stay as flexible and adaptable as possible for the most enjoyable ride, if enjoyable is what you’re after. I am, for sure.
Spring equinox is March 20, the ingress of the Sun to zero degrees Aries. Things will be quickening all around you. You will quicken as well.
Neptune enters Aries on March 30. Neptune has been transiting Pisces, the sign it rules, for the past 14 years. When an outer planet (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus) changes signs it is an epochal change, a generational imprint. We are emerging out of a Piscean time, rife as it has been with all kinds of things that have been pretty challenging to work with, especially if you’re a sensitive type. With Neptune moving into Aries followed later on this year by Saturn in Pisces also moving into Aries and Uranus moving from Taurus into Gemini (Pluto has already moved into Aquarius from Capricorn, getting to 3 degrees Aquarius this month) we see the elemental energy shift moving from WATER (Pisces)and EARTH (Capricorn and Taurus) to FIRE (Aries) and AIR (Gemini).
Will we see things more clearly? Think more clearly?
Will we be able to take action when action is needed?
Will you?
Will I?