New Moon at 11 degrees VIRGO
2 September 2024
7:55pm mountain time
Saturn opposes the New Moon

New Moon in Virgo 9.2.24
I was way up in the hills this week and caught the sun glowing on this quintessential high desert montane wildflower – Indian paintbrush – Castillega occidentalis. Investigating the genus and species name of this Rocky Mountain variety of Indian paintbrush
I found that the Castillega genus of riotously colored blooms live in many, many places all over the world and I had a moment of true wonder. Plants can do that to me. And then I had another moment of wonder at the internet as an endless source of botanical information and phenomenal pictures of the said specimens.
And then I flipped way back to a conversation I had with my very best friend Susie when we were probably 10 years old or so and we mused on the idea of how fabulous it would be if every question you had could be answered by dialing a number on your phone, asking someone anything you wanted to know, and they would tell you. And voila! Some years later the internet came into our reality and our idea manifested in ways we could never have imagined.
Which is all to say….DREAM BIG! and let your dream-thoughts percolate in the cosmic sea of possibilities. You really don’t know how many other beings around the world are holding the same vision as you and perhaps just the right people at just the right time will take that idea and run with it and something amazing and wonderful is born into form – good things that help our world ascend from a polarity paradigm to one of Unity consciousness. I know A LOT of people are holding this vibration right now.
Are you allowing your biggest dream-vison of the world you wish to inhabit percolate in your consciousness? This VirgoNew Moon in Virgo will most definitely help you to discern priorities as its vibration supports clear thinking. Saturn, moving retrograde at 16 degrees Pisces, opposes the New Moon.
Saturn retrograding in Pisces slows down, emphasizing the need for mastery of grounding practices that help you create the foundation for building, creating, forming something tangible and real from your dream vision. Virgo, traditionally ruled by Mercury, is an energy of refined thinking. An excellent time to look objectively at where you are focusing your attention. Are the areas when you are focusing your attention the same vibration as what you wish to create? hmmmm….
I experience Ceres, the Harvest Goddess, as co-ruler of Virgo. Not only is she in alignment with the Virgo time of harvest but she has the vibration of a post-menopausal woman, a no-nonsense, let’s-get-to work and make it happen energy. Getting to work means getting to work clearing your vibration of past programming so you are able to forge the path ahead, free of what holds you back. Ground that right into the core of the Earth to release what is no longer aligned with your essential self and welcome Earth’s vibration into your being to fortify and vitalize you.
Wishing you PEACE in your hearts as you set your intentions for the NEW MOON in Virgo.
Align with your service.
Align with your personal power for proper discernment and clear thinking.
Jupiter transiting Gemini expands all thinking potential!
Mars moves into the moon-ruled sign of Cancer on September 5, softening those sharp Martian edges.
Venus is moving through the early degrees of Venus-ruled Libra, supporting diplomacy and peace-making.
Use these energies in your intention setting at this VIRGO NEW MOON!