Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
23 degrees Virgo
14 March 2025
2:55am mountain time
(The Moon will look full Thursday night…look for red glow!)
Saturn and Neptune oppose the Full Moon
Venus retrograde snuggles up to Mercury
as Mercury slows down to station retrograde on 3.15.25
The Moon is already so bright I was awakened at 2:22am this morning by a radiant glow outside my window. For a moment I thought it was a visitor from another realm, which it may also have been, and then I realized it was the Moon. Lately I seem to be more attuned to the lunar movements than ever before. I think it may be somewhat attributed to a conscious slowing down in areas I used to flutter about incessantly. There feels like there is so much energy to process and deflect these days that the slower pace I am choosing is helping me to feel more grounded, aligned with some larger cosmic forces at play or being in the center of the cosmic play, like in the eye of a tornado, still inside as chaos blows all about.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 3.14.25
I have been doing garden/yard clean-up and I am reminded of a great teaching I learned from my beloved neighbor of 25 years, Kevan Krasnoff, a master gardener and guerilla artist. Our yards were adjacent; we shared a driveway. This time of year we would convene in the driveway and look over the seemingly endless work that would be required to get our yards into shape for the Spring and Summer months of growth. Inevitably he would look over at me, and say: “Zone by zone, zone by zone,”
I am thinking about this today as I tackle the very large and somewhat unkempt yard where I now live and the endless dramas unfolding around us. Kevan’s ‘zone-by-zone’ advice seems like some of the best spiritual teaching I’ve received. There is much to process now for all of us and there is much for each of us to discern (Full Moon in Virgo) and decide what our role is in the ensuing chaos. Is it to be involved, boots on the ground, as it were, or is it to hold conscious space of peace and calm in your personal sanctuary? Both? Neither? Somewhere in between? Move from one point of reference to another? What about your own personal healing journey? All at once or paced?
Engaging with the flow, zone-by zone, bit by bit, as you are able, seems to make the most sense. Have a reading. Integrate. Have a healing, Integrate. Look through your new perspective. Pivot, if necessary.
I’m not going to get it all done today or tomorrow or next week or even by the end of summer. I do what I can, when I can, and when I can’t, I rest and enjoy just being.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – 3.14.25
The clouds were all in ripples as I moon-gazed the other night. Clouds? Water? the Beach? Everything is so connected, mimicking one another’s beauty and intricate complexity of patterns and forms. Like we each do for one another, all parts of a complex and ever-expanding whole.
This Full Moon at 23 degrees Virgo is a Lunar eclipse, suggesting a re-visiting to evaluate how well you are discerning aspects of your life. Prune away debris. Make room for the NEW. Eclipses are trigger pints for change, for germinating something New. If an eclipse hits a planet or point in your chart within a 3-degree orb, you will be feeling significant growth in that area June, July, August and into the autumn months. You might feel a lunar eclipse in your heart, in your emotions, in your feelings, in your story line. Time for a reboot there.
Saturn at 22 degrees Pisces and Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces conjoin the Sun at 23 degrees Pisces., opposing the Full Moon. There is a strong draw into the ephemeral, the sublime, the unknowable, the Divine essence in all life. Check in there during the eclipse energy and search around for what you need to inspire, uplift and enliven you. What form would this take for you? More mediation? More walks in the forest? In the desert? At the water’s edge? How do you best connect with all there is?
Venus is moving retrograde until April 12. Venus at 7 degrees Aries conjoins Mercury at 9 degrees Aries. Mercury is stationed at 9 degrees, turning retrograde on March 15, moving back to 26 degrees Pisces on April 7. Then Mercury will station direct and will begin moving over the degrees it just passed, returning to 9 degrees Aries again on April 26, the completion of this Mercury retrograde and its shadow period. It feels significant that BOTH Venus and Mercury are moving retrograde through the signs of Aries and Pisces.
What to take action on and what to give over to Spirit – you get to discern and choose.
Uranus at 24 degrees Taurus makes a forgiving trine to the Full Moon. Allow for something entirely new to enter your awareness. Letting go of control to allow for the miraculous is such an important practice, especially these days!
Allow time for rest, for downtime, for nothingness, so somethingness can enter your awareness.