VIRGO New Moon 9.6.21 whispers of autumn
New Moon
Rose hips remind you that autumn is but a thought away
What other planetary activity might you be feeling at the NEW MOON?
Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE
VIRGO rules the excretory processes in the bodies. A beautiful time to de-tox inside and out. Purify all chakras, the many layers of your aura, your internal organs, and MOST IMPORTANT- your mind. Clear your mind of negativity and judgment. Discern for yourself what lifts and lightens you. Train your mind to redirect its focus of attention on what lifts your vibration, regardless of the circumstances. You are the master-ess of your experience. Use the Virgo energy to refine this precious gift of choice. And remember you are limited in choice, in free will, if you are running outdated emotional and mental programs. Clear them, release them, and allow for your highest vibration to fuel your ride. I release my stuck patterns with energy clearings with John Wing Flower. I receive his nervous system release work via phone sessions and I feel the fix immediately. You can schedule your nervous system release work at Nandi Wellness. Taking care of all parts of you has never been more critical than right now as so much energy is bombarding us and we each need to navigate our way through the shifts.