Spring is arriving in my neck of the woods, tentatively, in spurts and splutters, shyly, it seems and with caution. We already had a surprise freeze that took out all the daffodils and hyacinths before they had a chance to fragrance the air and yet the flowering fruit trees are sending out a resounding flourish of deep joy. As it always is, Nature has her own methods, her own resiliency. The daffodils and hyacinths will return next year, the complex interconnected cycle of all things continues to roll and we with it.
The New Moon in Taurus, fecund with new life bursting forth, invites you into the Venus-ruled world of beauty and sensuality. I was falling into the trance of this pansy and I realized that everything important to know can be found in the face of a pansy. The delicate beauty and fierce tenacity of life unfolding in a mystery we will never understand but continually marvel at. Velvety soft yet able to bloom right through a layer of frosty snow, pansies bloom whenever sun shines upon its face. The New Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus opens the door to the mysteries as you entertain new ways of relating to the Earth and all her sentient beings, in ways that liberate and free all to live as they naturally were meant to live, to encourage thriving, not just surviving. Just do your little part. Tend one plant. Feed one animal. Each loving in one’s unique way.
The energies of this New Moon Solar eclipse are highlighted by a strong Neptunian influence as