New Moon at 11 degrees Aries 1 April 2022 12:24 am mountain time Entering gingerly into the balsamic phase of the Moon, a few days before her emergence as NEW in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the cardinal fire sign that starts the new zodiac cycle with a bang. More about that but […]
Articles posted by Estere
Spring is sprung and yet…cluster you-know-what at the starting gate
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Energy Healing, EQUINOX, Estere, Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE, Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, Mars in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, Neptune, Pluto in Aqaurius, Pluto return, Saturn in Aquarius, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Venus in Aquarius, winds of change, Year of the Tiger / No Comments
Spring has sprung. The clocks have moved forward (hopefully that archaic practice will soon be a thing of the past. Messing with Mother Nature – our circadian rhythms and all – always a questionable move). The Sun has moved into Aries. The egg balanced on yesterday’s Spring Equinox. Tiny blossoms of ecstatic flower joy are […]
collective, evolution, Illuminations, Jupiter conunct Neptune, Jupiter in Pisces, Mars in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Mercury retrograde, Mother Nature, narcissism, Neptume in Pisces, New energies of LOVE, Pluto in Aqauarius, Pluto in Capricron, Satunr conjunct Venus and MArs, Saturn in Aquarius, SPRING Equinox, Sun in Aries, Uranus in Taurus, Venus in AqauariusFull Moon in Virgo: Organized chaos
Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo 18 March 2022 1:17am Mountain time (that’s tonight if you’re reading this on 3.17) the need for some sense of order vs. all-out chaos inevitably free-falling into entropy balance point/antidote: hanging out in your own private sanctuary I could feel the moon entering Virgo because I went into a […]
baking soda, chaos, epsom salts, essential oil, Full Moon in Virgo, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Jupiter in Pisces, Marie Kondo, Mars in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Moon trine Pluto, Neptune in Pisces, sanctuary, SUn cinjcunt Neptune, Sun conjunct Jpiter, Sun in Pisces, Venus conjunct Mars, Venus in Aquarius, ylang ylang