Jupiter has begun its retrograde movement back to 29 and 28 degrees Pisces. Jupiter will be hovering around these degrees of the mutable water sign until December 21 when it will re-enter Aries, During these next 7 weeks you might find you are in a dreamy state and perhaps unable to fully involve yourself in […]
Anxiety relief
Between the Eclipses: A magical doorway
Indeed a magical portal exists between these 2 autumnal eclipses. On October 25th the New Moon Solar eclipse heralded the Scorpio energy that is enveloping us now. The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on November 8th at 15 degrees Taurus hits at half-way through the Sun’s transit through Scorpio. We are diving deep and nothing like […]
Full Moon Lunar eclipse, New Moon in Scorpio, New Moon solar eclipse, Sun in ScorpioNew Moon Solar Eclipse 10.25.22 Ready or not – here comes the re-boot!
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Daily Cosmos Watch, Eclipse, Estere, Feed Your Venus, Full Moon, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Getting unstuck, Jupiter in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter retrograde, Lunar eclipse, Lunar effects, Mercury Direct, Mercury retrograde, Neptune, New Moon, New Moon in Scorpio, New Moon Solar Eclipse, Retrograde planets, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Solar Eclipse, Venus, Venus in Scorpio, winds of change, Winter Solstice / No Comments
New Moon Solar Eclipse 25 October 2022 2 degrees Scorpio 4:48am Mountain time There is no question that each of us has complex mysteries embedded in our emotional natures. The energy highlighted as the Sun moves into the fixed Water sign of Scorpio and 2 eclipses triggering deep emotional excavation are sure to bring to […]
8th house, addictions, disappointments, dreams, emotional realm, fantasy, Feed your Venus, jealousy, Jupiter in Aries, Jupiter retrograde, Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, Neptune, New Moon in Scorpio, New Moon Solar eclipse in Scorpio, Pluto, self-doubt, Source energy, spiriual connection, Venus conjunct New Moon, Venus conjunct New Moon Solar Eclipse, Venus in Scorpio