Full Moon at 8 degrees LIBRA 28 March 2021 12:48pm mountain time The Moon turns FULL this Saturday in the peace-loving sign of Venus-ruled Libra opposing the Sun in Mars-ruled Aries. And once again many of us are confronted with an ongoing internal battle between choosing to hold a space of PEACE and wanting to […]
Full Moon
Full Virgo Moon – 2.27.21 – dissolve or tidy up?
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Energy Healing, Full Moon, Getting unstuck, Healing, Intuition, Mercury in Aquarius, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Venus, Virgo, Virgo moon, winds of change / No Comments

Full Moon at 8 degrees VIRGO 27 February 2021 1:17am Chaotic mess or crazy clean? Dissolve into the illusion or hyper control every little thing? Always a mystically influenced lunation, the Full Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces illuminates the ongoing internal and external balancing act between keeping it all together and letting […]
chaos, control, Full Moon in Virgo, Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE, intution, jupiter conjunct saturn, Jupiter in Aquarius, LOVE books, mercury conjunct Jupiter, mercury conjunct Saturn, Mercury in Aquarius, Michael Rosenzweig, Moon trine Uranus, pisces pet, reclaim your intuition, Saturn in Aquarius, Sun in Pisces, surrender, The Marketing Handyman, venus conjunct the Sun, venus opposite the moon, Virgo Full Moon, zuul-to-zenFull LEO Moon lights the way for Mercury retrograde
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Divine Feminine, Full Moon, Getting unstuck, Intuition, Lunar effects, Magic in Mercury Retrograde, Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, station retrograde, Stationing Planet, winds of change / 2 Comments
Right after the inauguration and the epic coming forth of the Divine Feminine in ways I could not have imagined, including a bright sprite of a young priestess, our poet laureate of poet laureates, the voice of our hearts, I realized that my shoulders have been in my ears for quite some time. Though I […]
chaos-maker, cocooning, comfort, creative genius, creativity, crystalline energies. grounding, Divine feminine, Full Moon in Leo, genius, God Spark, high heels, high priestess, jpy, Jupiter conjunct the Sun, Jupiter in Aquarius, Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, Mercury retrograde, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Moon in Leo, rebel, Saturn conjunct the Sun, Saturn in Aquarius, sprite, Sun in Aquarius, Uranus, Uranus square the Full Moon, winteringc