New Moon at 12 degrees Scorpio 4 November 2021 3:14pm mountain time Solar flares bombard our solar system as the Moon closes up shop for the month in its darkening before turning NEW on November 4th. Some blossoms, like pansies and violas and roses, strengthen in color and intensity as the days shorten and the […]
New Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio New Moon and Mars stations DIRECT
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Energy Healing, Feed Your Venus, Getting unstuck, Healing, Lunar effects, Mars in Aries, Mars station DIRECT, Mercury Direct, Mercury retrograde, Neptune, Neptune retrograde, New Moon, New Moon in Scorpio, Retrograde planets, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Stationing Planet, Venus, Venus in Libra / No Comments
Between the election craziness, the post-election insanity and the passing of two beloved teachers in my community I am just today feeling myself coming out of a deep and all-consuming exhaustion. With Mercury now making its way through the degrees of Scorpio it passed in its retrograde phase – Mercury is at zero degrees Scorpio […]
11:11 portal, Feed your Venus, grief, jpy. sadness, Jupiter in Capricorn, Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, light, loss, Mars in Aries, Mars stations direct, Mercury, Mercury in Scorpio, Neptune retrograde in Pisces, New Moon in Scorpio, PLuto in capricorn, Uranus retrograde in Taurus, Venus in Libra