As my mother used to say: “You don’t have to look very far to find something to cry about.” These days it seems that every day some new outbreak of violence and unthinkable catastrophic events bombard us. And now, more than ever, it is imperative that you find a center of peace and calm inside […]
Self-care in transitional times
Taurus New Moon 5.11.21 as Pluto moves retrograde
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Divine Feminine, Energy Healing, Estere, Feed Your Venus, Getting unstuck, Healing, Jupiter in Pisces, Lunar effects, Mars in Cancer, New Moon in Taurus, Pluto retrograde, Retrograde planets, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Taurus New Moon, Venus, Venus in Gemini, winds of change / No Comments
Peach blossoms and bee visitations herald the arrival of Spring, the absolute wonder of fragrance and color bursting out of sleeping trees now awake with new growth and the spark of ineffable Life. And I hear that trillions of cicadas will be gracing parts of the country for their amazing 17-year cycle. Cicadas are not […]
Sun enters Taurus and we have a Full Moon in Scorpio -isn’t every day Earth day?
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Energy Healing, Estere, Feed Your Venus, Full Moon, Getting unstuck, Healing, LOVE books, Lunar effects, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Stress relief, Venus, winds of change / No Comments
In my reality every day is EARTH DAY – our planet, our home! To honor her magnificence I revel in her beauty and wonders every day, with every flower I sniff, every bird I marvel at, and every mud-caked walk I take rejoicing with her in her Spring celebration. Miraculously (is not every day, each […]
abraham-hicks, arthur, Astrology, blue hyacinth, Earth Day, ester, Full Moon, full moon square saturn in aquarius, law of attarction, mercury in tauurs, mercury square saturn, Moon in Scorpio, Moon opposes Uranus, mud, Saturn in Aquarius, starry blesisngs astrology, Sun conjunct Uranus, Sun in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus, uranus square saturn, Venus conjunct Mercury, Venus in Taurus, venus square saturn