I like to follow the cosmological line-ups and see for myself if the astro chatter is true for me or not. I recommend this for all astro info – is it relevant to you, to what’s going in your chart,in your life? This particular portal, which happens every year during the time when the Sun […]
Stress relief
New Moon HYBRID Solar Eclipse – 4.19.23
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Eclipse, Energy Healing, Estere, Getting unstuck, Healing, Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE, Jupiter in Aries, Law of Attraction, LOVE books, Lunar effects, New Moon, New Moon in Aries, New Moon Solar Eclipse, Pluto in Aqaurius, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Solar Eclipse, Starry Blessings Astrology, Stress relief, winds of change / No Comments
new moon solar eclipse 29 degrees aries 4.19.2023 10:12pm mountain time A very exciting New Moon Solar Eclipse this week – a HYBRID eclipse! Not like a Prius but more like an exciting cosmic event that occurs only a few times in a hundred years. A hybrid eclipse occurs when the first part of the […]
Aries New Moon, Chiron in Aries, healing, hybrid eclipse, Jupiter in Aries, Love, Mars, New Moon, New Moon solar eclipse, pluto in aqaurius, pluto square new moon, Solar EclipseWon’t happen again for another 165 years – Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces, just before the New Moon in Pisces-a deep dive into the Pisces state of mind
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Energy Healing, Estere, Getting unstuck, Healing, Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE, John Wing Flower, LOVE books, Lunar effects, Neptune, Neptune in Pisces, New Moon, New Moon in Pisces, Pisces Moon, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Stress relief, Venus, Venus in Pisces, winds of change / No Comments
Just a few days ago I was reading outside, the sun bright and warm on my face and hands. This morning I awoke to single digits, the snow a’dazzle in its mid-February sparkle. I love this time of year for its wild unpredictability, the hesitant reaching out for the Spring while still holding onto winter […]
attunement, boundaries, Candyland, consciousness, Estere, etheric, John Wing Flower, Love, Neptune in Pisces, New Moon, New Moon in Pisces, Starry Blessings Astrology, the LOVE books, unconditional LOVE, Venus conjunct Neptune, Venus in Pisces