As my mother used to say: “You don’t have to look very far to find something to cry about.” These days it seems that every day some new outbreak of violence and unthinkable catastrophic events bombard us. And now, more than ever, it is imperative that you find a center of peace and calm inside […]
Posts tagged "focus"
Winding down another Mercury retrograde as the Sun enters Pisces
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Divine Feminine, Energy Healing, Estere, Feed Your Venus, Getting unstuck, Intuition, John Wing Flower, LOVE books, Magic in Mercury Retrograde, Meditation, Mercury Direct, Mercury retrograde, Neptune, Retrograde planets, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Stationing Planet, The Flower Channel, Venus, winds of change / No Comments

Notice from on high: cocooning still happening but movement is inevitable, all in right timing. Enjoy, relish this time of inward communing as you will emerge in the Spring, refreshed, renewed and ready for the new. Be with these moments of stillness, knowing that movement is LIFE and when the conditions are ripe you will […]
bathing, compassion, divine compassion, Divine feminine, epsom salts, Estere, focus, higher Self, incarnation, intuition, John Wing Flower, JOY, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, Mercury stations direct, nature walks, Neptune, peace, reclaim your intuition, roller coaster ride, satrry blessings astrology, Saturn in Aquarius, Saturn square Uranus, stillness, Sun in Pisces, the Flower Channel, Venus in Pisces