New Moon at 9 degrees Aquarius 29 January 2025 5:36am mountain time Mercury conjunct Pluto Venus conjunct Neptune The year of the Yin Wood Snake, following a very challenging for many, year of the Yang Dragon, brings in a sensual felt energy of deep and profound transformation. The snake is a being of heightened sensitivity, […]
Posts tagged "Mercury in Aquarius"
Sun enters Aquarius conjoining Pluto and Mercury – higher consciousness busting old ways
/ Estere / Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Celestial Gossip, Consciousness, Daily Cosmos Watch, Estere, Grounding, John Wing Flower, Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in Capricorn, Pluto in Aquarius, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, winds of change / No Comments
I’m not sure things could get any more bizarre as the political arena could not seem more reactionary to any forward progressive movement – the inauguration of a low vibration being on the memorial day of one of the GREAT teachers of LOVE – and yet the astrological omens portend changes for the greater good […]
group consciousness, Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in Capricorn, personal power, Pluto, Pluto in Aquarius, self-awareness, self-knowing, Sun conjunct Mercury, Sun conjunct Pluto, Sun in Aquarius, the Great TransformerNew Moon in Pisces – what is a Pisces state of mind anyway?
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, CBD, Celestial Gossip, Daily Cosmos Watch, Divine Feminine, Estere, Getting unstuck, Healing, Hemp Oil, Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius, Neptune, New Moon, New Moon in Pisces, Pisces Moon, Saturn in Aquarius, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Venus, winds of change / No Comments
New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces 2 March 2022 10:35am mountain time This year the Pisces New Moon joins Jupiter and Neptune already transiting this dreamy, confusing, mutable water sign. As if the tensions of the ongoing separating Saturn-Uranus square and the ramifications of the Uranus-Pluto square, which technically ended in 2020 but is still […]
creator being, Divine feminine, Jupiter conjunct New Moon, Jupiter in Pisces, Love, MArs conjcunt Pluto, Mars in Caprciorn, mercury conjunct Saturn, Mercury in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces, New Moon, Pisces New Moon, PLuto in capricorn, self-love, sovereignty, Staurn in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Mars, Venus conjunct Pluot, Venus in Capricorn