Wellness is front and center with Venus moving retrograde March 1 through April 12. Venus retrogrades every 18 months for 40 days and 40 nights. This year Venus will move from 10 degrees Aries back to 24 degrees Pisces. The perfect time to review your wellness regimens. How you love and nurture yourself reflects in […]
Posts tagged "Venus in Aries"
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 5.15.22 as Mercury retrograde creates mischief
/ Estere / Anxiety relief, Astrological Projections and Forecasting, Daily Cosmos Watch, Eclipse, Energy Healing, Estere, Feed Your Venus, Full Moon, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Getting unstuck, Healing, Illuminations on the New Energies of LOVE, Jupiter in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces, LOVE books, Lunar eclipse, Lunar effects, Magic in Mercury Retrograde, Mercury retrograde, Self-care in transitional times, self-LOVE, Starry Blessings Astrology, Venus, Venus in Aries, winds of change / No Comments
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 25 degrees Scorpio 15 May 2022 10:13pm mountain time The Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls on Sunday night, May 15, so get your spring planting in before that. Best to plant as the moon waxes towards full as this is when the energy is building, building, building. Working with the ebb […]
betrayal, Chiron in Aries, dreamtime, Estere, Fixed sign, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon Lunar eclipse, Illuminations, Jupiter in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, New energies of LOVE, obsessive love, passion, possessiveness, Starry Blessings Astrology, Venus conjunct Chiron, Venus in Aries, water signAries New Moon – 4.11.21 – miracles revealed

I am tending a new garden this year, an exciting enterprise as the Spring light and warmth is calling forth plants that have been hidden under snow and leaves. precious plants bursting through last year’s debris to dazzle and delight, a miracle hiding under each pile of leaves just waiting to be noticed. And I […]
Ceres conjunct New Moon, Ceres in Aries, Mars square Neptune, Mercury conjunct Ceres, Mercury in Aries, Moon in Aries, New Moon in Aries, Sun in Aries, Uranus suare Saturn, Venus conjunct New Moon, Venus in Aries